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Deliver the right message at the right time to build trust, create FOMO, and grow sales with AI assistant.

Boost sales instantly
with Prooftiles.

Add to any platform:

"Fastest return on investment"

"Finally found the tool for my needs"

"Amazing CRO tool"

Rated 4.9/5 by hundreds Happy Customers

Non-interruptive pop-up messages that drive actions

Upsell and Cross-sell

Encourage higher-value transactions and upsells.

Build trust & credibility

Showcase social proof, fostering trust.

Add Scarcity and Urgency

Tailor experiences for each user, boosting engagement.

Guide and help navigate

Simplify browsing, improving user journey.

Collect leads

Gather valuable customer info for targeted marketing.

Reduce abandonment

Keep visitors engaged.

After adding AI messages from Prooftiles to our store, our revenue increased by a whopping 17%! 

Frankie B.

Online Fashion Brand Owner

Build trust


Limited offers

Collect leads

Cross sell

Increase AOV 

Our AI Writing Assistant is here to help you!

Optimized for improving CVR
Fine-tuned AI models
Choose between GPT and Claude models
Our AI Writing Assistant will help you come up with ideas, improve your content and write a more engaging popups.
More engaging
Faster results

Take full control of your messages.

Customize the look & feel of your messages
Set up trigger rules to show your message at the right time to the right visitor on the right page
Add animations to help your message to stand out

Improve the CVR of your store instantly

Try prooftiles for free to see how much it increases conversions on your site.

Track performance of your messages

Identify the best messages and cut underperforming
Understand your visitors behavior 
Make informed decisions to increase your CVR
Ready to get started?
Create an account for free!

Easily integrate with 100+
of your favorite tools


Features that set you up for success

Key Elements for Achieving Remarkable Results Fast

AI Library

Craft Irresistible Messages with AI-powered Content Wizard.

Recent Activity Showcase

Boost Credibility with Real-time Recent Activity Showcase.

Smart Display Rules

Engage at the Right Moment with Smart Display Rules.


Optimize Performance with Analytics

Form Auto-Capture

Seamlessly Capture submissions with Form Auto-Capture.

Custom Branding

Stand out with unique custom-branded messages.

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